
a couple's journey from pregnancy to parenthood and beyond…

Archive for the tag “Progression”

Week 41 – Baby

Last week, Baby Vo was the size of…well…a 6.29 pound Emery!!  (Like all babies, she lost a little weight after birth.)  We love her so much!!!


Week 40

As you all know by now, Baby Vo did not arrive on her due date.  I thought I wouldn’t mind when she came, but after her due date, I started to get anxious.  I badly wanted to give birth without any intervention, but with each day after her due date, it seemed more and more inevitable that Baby Vo would need some “help” coming out (i.e., the doctors would have to induce her).  We took this picture the day after my due date.  In an effort to encourage Baby Vo to come out on her own, we went out for spicy dumplings in Alhambra and stopped by Occidental College for a quick photo session.

Week 39

This week, Baby Vo is still the size of a watermelon.  We have barely started to eat the watermelon from last week, so there’s no need to buy one for this week’s picture.  Instead, we took this picture at Urban Light at the LACMA near our house.  Hopefully we’ll get to meet Baby Vo soon!!

Week 38 – Watermelon

Last week, Baby Vo was the size of a watermelon.  It was also my last week of work before maternity leave.

Week 37

For weeks 37-39, the book says that Baby Vo is the size of  a watermelon.  (Geez, Louise, that’s a lot of baby inside me!)  We decided to take the actual watermelon picture during week 38 to break things up a bit.  For now, here is what I looked like in week 37.

Week 36 – Yellow Melon

Last week, Baby Vo was the size of a large cantaloupe.  Do I need to mention once more that we don’t like cantaloupe?  Probably not.  Anyhow, we decided to use an equivalent-sized fruit and chose the yellow melon.  I know this picture looks like we are somewhere in the woods, but it was actually taken in a park just outside of Beverly Hills.  Sometimes it’s crazy to think about the diversity of our landscape right here in Los Angeles County.

Week 35

I was shocked by the number of you that check the blog.  To all of you, sorry that I’ve been such an awful blogger lately!!  It’s time to catch you up on all of life’s events, but first let me post the weekly pics.

Week 35 was two weeks ago and as I mentioned in week 34’s post, Baby Vo was the size of a large cantaloupe.  Alas, after looking at the book once again, we realized that Baby Vo would remain a large cantaloupe for three weeks, so we took one more week off from the produce aisle.  This is me in Week 35 at my shower (which I will post about soon).

As you can see, I was beginning to look HUGE.

Week 34

This week and next week, Baby Vo is the size of a large cantaloupe.  We’re not cantaloupe-lovers, so rather than buy one each week, we decided to take a non-fruit picture this week and find a large cantaloupe for next week’s photo.  (Last time, we barely finished the cantaloupe before it went bad.  I doubt we could finish two melons without one rotting first.)  So, this is just me in week 34.

When we first started this blog, I thought I’d have no problem keeping you up-to-date on our activities each week.  Then I hit my 3rd trimester and experienced the exhaustion that I’ve heard so much about.  I’m not even going to promise to post more this week…but I’ll do my best to catch you up when I can!

Baby Vo is very active these days.  Sometimes, I think she might just pop right out of the front of my belly at the rate that she pushes out.  Seriously, this little girl is STRONG.

Week 33 – Pineapple

This week, Baby Vo is the size of a pineapple.  As she grows, I can definitely feel the increased weight in my belly.  My back hurts if I don’t sit or stand in a good position and my ankles are the size of tree trunks.  Overall, though, I can’t complain.  this pregnancy is still way easier than some of the stories I’ve heard from other mothers-to-be.

Week 32 – Honeydew

Last week (week 32), Baby Vo was the size of a honeydew.  (The book did not have a produce for week 31 and since we were out of town, we were not able to post anyhow.)  Baby Vo is really getting big now and starting to gain more weight in there.  It’s crazy!

I’ve been a lazy blogger lately, which is going to end this week.  Over the next few days, expect lots of posts to catch you up!

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