
a couple's journey from pregnancy to parenthood and beyond…

Archive for the month “November, 2012”

Four Months

Last Tuesday was my four month birthday.  I weighed in at 10 lbs 10.2 ounces.  Unfortunately, I was sick at home with my first real cold.  My mom blames it on daycare.  My dad says that it’s building my immunity.  Either way, it was no fun!

Besides the sickness, I had another big month.  I started daycare, where I am the hit of the class.  I am the smallest and youngest baby, so all of my caretakers love to hold me.  At first, I was having so much fun that I couldn’t nap more than 20 minutes while I was there.  I got over that quickly and now I enjoy long, luxurious naps.

I’ve also taken to rolling all over the place.  I still can’t figure out how to work my legs very well, but I’m getting the hang of using them to push myself around.  Ms. Cynthia at daycare says that I am going to be an early crawler.  Watch out, Mommy and Daddy!!

I’ll post pictures from Colorado and Washington soon…once Mommy and Daddy get over the cold that I gave them…

Happy (observed) Veterans’ Day!

Wow, I got to spend one more day with Mommy and Daddy than normal!  I love holidays (and that my parents both work for the government)!!  It was a great end to a wonderful weekend.  On Saturday, I went to my friend Michael’s panda-themed first birthday party.  So fun!  I loved watching Michael open his gifts and then I got to play with the left-over wrapping paper.  Personally, I thought the paper was way more fun than the truck toys that Michael got, but to each their own.

Me and Michael in the photobooth

Yesterday, my daddy ran the Malibu Half Marathon, so Mommy and I went to cheer him on at the finish line.  He did so great and he didn’t even train for it!!  On another note, I certainly hope that I got my uncle Jeremy’s artistic genes and not my parents’. I was super embarrassed to hold the sign in this picture.  In defense of my mom, she was working with a cardboard box and a fine-tipped sharpie.  But still…Jeremy, save me from a life of no artistic mentoring!!

E Votes

Well not really, but she accompanied mom and dad to the polls. This is a rare post by Steve, as Kate does most of the writing on here. Yesterday was Election Day here in America and a presidential election nonetheless. President Barack Obama was declared the winner. But that is not the only race we voted for. In the picture above, she is contemplating her vote on Measure B here in Los Angeles County. Click on the link (NSFW) if you dare, but that is the kind of crazy stuff we vote for here.

For the last two years we’ve heard a host of candidates pitch their vision for America. They told us, over and over, what they’d do with the country if they were given executive power over the next four years. And while the Presidency is certainly a powerful position, the truth is there’s another executive whose vision will have a much greater impact over what happens in your life. That executive is YOU. You are the most powerful decision maker in your life. It’s your decisions that will decide what your life looks like four years from now.

We heard great speeches over the last four years, great plans laid out in detail and prose. But have you written your speech? Have you written your letter to yourself, to your family and to God explaining in detail what you’re going to do over the next four years. If you haven’t, you can count on a bunch of people who don’t know you or care about you dictating what’s going to happen in your life. What’s your vision? Why not be the President of your own life? Why not have a vision? Why not execute a plan?

Four years ago we were newlyweds, just having moved to a new city. Now we have a wonderful community here in LA, are homeowners, and are parents to a beautiful daughter. What do you want to have accomplished four years from now? Because four years from now is coming. And it’s coming fast.

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