
a couple's journey from pregnancy to parenthood and beyond…

Archive for the month “April, 2012”

Week 28 – Radicchio

This week, Baby Vo is the size of a small cabbage. Since we’re in Italy, we thought we’d spice things up a bit and use a head of radicchio instead. This picture was taken in a cute little town in the Chianti region.

“Can we all just get along?”

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the infamous “LA Riots” that was sparked by the acquittal of four LAPD officers in the beating of Rodney King, whose words make up the subject of this post.

Kate and I love the diversity that Los Angeles offers and are thrilled for our little girl to be born here. Did you know that the LA Unified School District has more languages spoken than any other in the United States? But I digress, schools will be a different topic for a much, much later blog post. Anyhow, I thought this month’s cover of Los Angeles Magazine was very fitting for her and wanted to share. Check it out below:

Week 27 – Cauliflower

This week, Baby Vo is the size of a cauliflower.  Between my tummy and the constant swelling, I am the size of a hot air balloon.

Adventures “at Sea”

It seems like this pregnancy is flying by!!  Although we are VERY excited to meet Baby Vo in about 3 months, we are also trying to enjoy life without kids right now.  (Let’s call this time of our marriage BBV for Before Baby Vo.)  In the past few weeks, we’ve gone to some concerts (Eden’s Edge at the Mint was my favorite), seen a movie (Blue Like Jazz), gone to lots of dinners with friends (Picca and Red Medicine being my favorite two), and driven all over LA and Orange County to try new activities.

This weekend, we went sailing out of Redondo Beach with our friends Preston & Ashley.  When we left our house, the sun was out and the temps were in the high 80s.  When we arrived in Redondo Beach, the sky was overcast, the air was wet, and I was all-to-happy that I brought a sweatshirt.  It looks like the notorious “June Gloom” is a little early this year!  Anyhow, the four of us enjoyed a leisurely sailboat ride around the Santa Monica Bay.  Steve and Preston even got to steer the sailboat for a while!  Although there are whales in the area, we were satisfied with checking out the seals and pelicans.  We even witnessed a few pelicans dive into the water for fish.  (I wish I had a video of this, but you could never predict when a pelican would suddenly drop from the sky and disappear into the water.  It was really odd.)  I’d definitely like to do this again when the weather is a little better…I’d even consider it for a family event once Baby Vo is big enough to wear a life jacket.

I'm not sure what Preston and our captain are looking at, but this picture makes me laugh.

The four of us in front of our boat, "DNA."

Week 26

As with Week 24, our trusty book was not so trusty for estimating the size of Baby Vo this week.  It appears that she is still the size of a cucumber.  Sigh.  Anyhow, here is a picture of what I look like for the week…pretty similar to last week in my opinion.

My parents were in town over the weekend and despite plenty of delicious meals and random activities (like a visit to the Greystone Mansion and a trip to our local farmer’s market), we ended up without any family pics to post.

Week 25 – Cucumber

This week, Baby Vo is the size of a cucumber.  This doesn’t really make sense to us as most cucumbers are smaller than eggplants (Baby Vo’s size from weeks 23 and 24), but we won’t stray from the produce outlined in our book.  Anyhow, Baby Vo is moving a lot these days, which is fun for both of us to feel (obviously me more often than Steve).

Week 24

Based on the “What to Expect When You are Expecting” app on Steve’s iPhone, Baby Vo is growing a bit slower right now and is therefore, still not much bigger than an eggplant.  I, on the other hand, continue to grow.  We took this picture on Sunday morning.

Baby Vo moves a lot these days – especially while I’m at work.  It’s a very odd sensation, but cool at the same time.  She never seems to move at night while I am in bed…could this be a sign that she’ll be a good sleeper?  I hope so!!

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