
a couple's journey from pregnancy to parenthood and beyond…

Archive for the month “May, 2012”

Week 32 – Honeydew

Last week (week 32), Baby Vo was the size of a honeydew.  (The book did not have a produce for week 31 and since we were out of town, we were not able to post anyhow.)  Baby Vo is really getting big now and starting to gain more weight in there.  It’s crazy!

I’ve been a lazy blogger lately, which is going to end this week.  Over the next few days, expect lots of posts to catch you up!

Week 30 – Head of Lettuce

Last week, Baby Vo was the size of a head of lettuce.  Steve’s parents were (and still are) in town, so there wasn’t much time to play on the computer.  Hopefully I’ll have more time this next week to barrage the blog with posts about Italy and the rest of the Vo-family activities.

Week 29 – Butternut Squash

This week, Baby Vo is the size of a butternut squash (or roughly 17 inches long and 3.1 pounds). Butternut squashes are out of season in Italy, but Kristi helped us find an equivalent squash. We took this picture right before we had drinks on a rooftop bar looking over the city. It was a beautiful evening and I’ll definitely share pics when we get home. We are sitting at the D.C. airport wishing that we were still there…

On a side note, I was pleasantly surprised at how kind everyone was toward me as a pregnant person. (Not that I really care, but I haven’t received the same treatment in the U.S.) I was allowed to bypass metal detectors at museums without even asking, people kindly gave up their seats for me, and a flight attendant even brought me extra pillows to put between my belly and the seatbelt. The last of which, I couldn’t figure out what she wanted me to do until she demonstrated the concept to me. As if we didn’t already have a wonderful vacation, the kindness and special treatment made it that much better!

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