
a couple's journey from pregnancy to parenthood and beyond…

Archive for the month “November, 2011”

Dental Hygiene

I had a dentist appointment today.  As soon as I told them that I was pregnant, it was as if they were afraid to touch me.  Obviously I could not have an x-ray, but they barely did anything.  Considering the fact that pregnant women tend to need more dental care than your average woman, I was sorely disappointed.  Hopefully I don’t have any cavities!!

It’s Christmas Time!

My favorite time of the year…We’ve had the Christmas CDs in our car since Thanksgiving, the Christmas decorations are up, and I’m prepping our Christmas cards for mailing this week (176 this year).  One of the only disadvantages to living in Los Angeles is that there is about a 99.999% chance that we won’t have a White Christmas.  In lieu of  a real White Christmas, we bought an LED snowman from Costco.  In the process of putting it together, many of the little white glitter balls fell off and now our porch looks like it received a light snow dusting.  Unlike real snow, it won’t melt away.  (Also unlike real snow, it is probably awful for the environment.)


Life doesn’t get much better than spending a lazy Thanksgiving afternoon completely stuffed from a DELICIOUS lunch, watching football, playing boardgames, and continuing to snack on a variety of homemade desserts with our best couple-friends!!  On Thanksgiving morning, we drove down to San Diego for the holiday.  It was a beautiful drive down the coast (minus the traffic around Camp Pendleton).  Our friends, Jenny and Brian, live in La Jolla and hosted Thanksgiving.  Our friends, Eric and Michele, drove down from Playa del Rey; Baby Vo’s future friend Evelia’s parents, Jeff and Dana, drove down from Santa Monica with little Evy; and our friends, Preston and Ashley, drove all the way down from Reseda.  Add in Jenny and Brian’s good friends, Luke and Becca, and you have a packed house!  It was a potluck style meal with Jenny and Brian supplying the turkey and main side dishes.  As is to be expected, we all ate WAY too much and went to bed so early that you’d think we were 90 years old.

Although Steve and I aren’t telling anyone about Baby Vo yet, I spent much of the holiday just wanting to blurt it out.  With the large crowd, it was easy to avoid taking a glass of wine or soda and since I’m not feeling nauseous at all, there really wasn’t anything to hide.  Steve referenced his usual “when we are ready to have a baby” line (i.e., “When it’s our turn to have a kid, we’re still going to be cool parents.”) a few times.  I don’t think anyone had a clue.

The day after Thanksgiving, we went to Balboa Park to enjoy the weather.  Steve took Christmas pictures of Evy, which I just have to post.  She is seriously one of the cutest babies ever!!  (And Steve is an amazing photographer.  Our kids are probably not going to be grateful when they are young, but I can’t wait for him to take pictures of them!)

A Sad Day for the DaWgs

Today began with a realization. That this will be the last party bus I put together for a while (or ever). Every year, when UW comes to the LA area to play either USC or UCLA, I have organized a couple of buses for alums to take to the game. It is a great way to get everyone together. With yesterday’s confirmation, it puts into perspective this game.

Now, the game itself was not exactly how I would imagine it would go. The DaWgs took a beating and it was a gloomy, rainy day in LA, which of course is rare. Oh well, it was great to see friends from Seattle and 2 wins in the last 3 years is not too shabby.


Today, Veterans’ Day, Steve and I went to the Kaiser Permanente Women’s Clinic to “register” the pregnancy.  (Our healthcare is with Kaiser’s HMO.)  Initially, I pee’d in a cup so that the clinic could confirm that I’m pregnant.  Surprise – I am.  The remainder of our hour in the clinic consisted of filling out loads of forms with questions about our medical and familial histories, my feelings about the pregnancy, and important questions such as “do you know who the baby’s father is?’, “have you told the baby’s father that you are pregnant?” and “is the baby’s father upset or angry about the pregnancy?”  Super mature Steve thought these questions were a riot and took pictures on his iPhone of the questionnaire to laugh at later.

As it turns out, I am in my fourth week of the pregnancy.  I set my first prenatal appointment for the ninth week and headed out the door to enjoy our three-day weekend.  Working for the government might not make us millionaires, but it’s great that we both get the random holidays off!

Vo – Party of Three

There are few greater motivations to start a blog than a life-changing moment. Today, Steve and I discovered that our lives will never be the same. It isn’t like the day we met. (Who knew we’d be together 10 years later?). It isn’t like the day that Steve proposed (Amazing, but somewhat expected for a couple who had dated for almost six years). It wasn’t even like our wedding day. (Heck, we’d been planning that for a year!) Nope. Today, we found out that it wouldn’t be long before we were expected to keep a little human being alive. We don’t have pets or even plants…we are only responsible for taking care of our two selves. In less than a year, we will be required by law (and by normal moral standards) to keep a little person alive. Sort of crazy.

“How did we react?” you might ask. In the most boring way possible. I took a home pregnancy test not expecting anything. The test immediately showed that I was (and am) pregnant. Steve (who was folding clothes in our bedroom) asked what the test said. I told him that the little digital stick said that I was pregnant. He completed folding clothes, walked past the bathroom and into our office, and started putting his clothes away. And that was that. Only an hour or two later did we think we should probably figure out the next step.

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