
a couple's journey from pregnancy to parenthood and beyond…

Archive for the tag “Boulder”


I can’t believe how busy I’ve been lately between trying to crawl and learning how to stick my tongue out.  I finally have a night in to relax, so I’ll do my best to catch you up on my activities over the last few months.  First, my trip to Colorado in November…

The weekend before Thanksgiving, Mommy, Daddy, and I all flew to Colorado for the UW v. CU game in Boulder.  We stayed with my parents’ friends, Brooke & Aaron.  I always love seeing Brooke…she just knows how to make me feel super special and she’s a great cuddler.  I wish she still lived in Los Angeles so that she could visit with me more often!  The game was a lot of fun, too.  As you can see by the pictures, it was a beautiful day, but very chilly.  I’m glad that my mommy has a sling to carry me because I needed her body heat to keep me warm.  Mommy tried to put gloves on my hands, but I wasn’t about to have any of that.  (My hands are just too tasty to chew on.)  My daddy was super excited because Harry the Husky walked by our tailgate.


We spent the Sunday of that weekend in Denver with my new friends, Ashlyn and Sophia.  (Mommy and Daddy are friends with their parents from out here in Los Angeles.)  Check out the cool ice cream place we went to!

Little Man

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